Happy New Year 2021 ! 🎉

Final last minutes before the old year '20 ends. May the new year be (hopefully) better than the one we are leaving behind (Yeah, maybe a too optimistic thought but meh.. gotta keep the optimism lol *shrug*)

Update 27/12/02

Added a gallery page for my artworks and for screenshots regarding the (amazing) game ARK: Survival Evolved.

Site update - Winter theme '20

After almost an eternity I've (finally) created a winter theme for this site and improved the layout a bit (Nope, I didn't forget about this site at all, I swear ^^;). The unused "Other" page was renamed/repurposed to a "Blog" page where I will share site updates/future plans or just talk about random stuff, and all posts have a new footer area (besides the dates used on the blog page idk yet what information I'll write in there.. *thinks*).

Content/features which might be added in future:

  • An "About Me" page, and/or added social media icons [Done]
  • Custom OC-based emoji (similar to glyphicons) - I might experiment a little with JS or CSS to make that
  • A Gallery page [Done]
  • A custom favicon [Done]
Second panel